Weitere Veröffentlichungen finden Sie unter den einzelnen Arbeitsgruppen und in KOPS / Further publications can be found under the individual working groups and in KOPS

  • Basen, T., Martin-Creuzburg, D., and Rothhaupt, K.-O. (2011). Role of essential lipids in determining food quality for the invasive freshwater bivalve Corbicula fluminea. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 30: 653–664 (doi: 10.1899/10-087.1).
  • Donner, M.T. & R. Eckmann (2011). Diel vertical migration of larval and early-juvenile burbot optimises survival and growth in a deep, pre-alpine lake. Freshwater Biology 56: 916-925.
  • Durisch-Kaiser, E., M. Schmid, F. Peeters, R. Kipfer, C. Dinkel, T. Diem, C. J. Schubert, and B. Wehrli. (2011). What prevents outgassing of methane to the atmosphere in Lake Tanganyika? J. Geophys. Res., 116, G02022, doi:10.1029/2010JG001323.
  • Gabel, F., Stoll, S., Fischer, P., Pusch, M.T. & X.-F. Garcia (2011). Waves affect predator-prey interactions between fish and benthic invertebrates. Oecologia 165:101-109.
  • Hofmann, H., A. Lorke, and F. Peeters (2011). Wind and ship wave-induced resuspension in the littoral zone of a large lake. Water Resour. Res. 47, doi:10.1029/2010WR010012
  • Huber, A., F. Peeters, and A. Lorke (2011). Active and passive vertical motion of zooplankton in a lake. Limnol. Oceanogr. 56: 695–706
  • Koch, U., Martin-Creuzburg, D., Grossart, H.-P., and Straile, D. (2011). Single dietary amino acids control resting egg production and affect population growth of a key freshwater herbivore. Oecologia 167: 981–989 (doi: 10.1007/s00442-011-2047-4).
  • Martin-Creuzburg, D., Beck, B., and Freese, H. (2011). Food quality of heterotrophic bacteria for Daphnia magna: evidence for a limitation by sterols. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 76: 592–601 (doi: 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2011.01076.x).
  • Papa, R.D.S., Zafaralla, M.T. & R. Eckmann (2011). Spatio-temporal variation of the zooplankton- community in a tropical caldera lake with intensive aquaculture (Lake Taal, Philippines).  Hydrobiologia 664: 119-133.
  • Polacik, M., Donner, M. T. & M. Reichard (2011). Age structure of annual Nothobranchius fishes in Mozambique: is there a hatching synchrony? Journal of Fish Biology 78: 796-809.
  • Preusse, M., H. Freistühler, and F. Peeters (2011). The effect of amplitude on the period of solitary waves In Proceedings of the VII International Symposium on Stratified Flows (Rome, 22-26 August 2011). A. Cenedes, S. Espa, R. Purini (ed), ISBN: 978-88-95814-49-0
  • Quillfeldt, P., Masello, J. F., Brickle, P., and Martin-Creuzburg, D. (2011). Fatty acid signatures of stomach contents reflect inter- and intra-annual changes in diet of a small pelagic seabird, the Thin-billed prion Pachyptila belcheri. Marine Biology 158: 1805–1813 (doi: 10.1007/s00227-011-1693-8).
  • Stoll, S. & P. Beeck (2011). Post-release stranding rates of stocked allis shad (Alosa alosa) larvae exposed to surface wave action. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 27: 41-44.
  • Stoll, S. & P. Fischer (2011). Three different patterns of how low-intensity waves can affect the energy budget of littoral fish: a mesocosm study. Oecologia 165: 567-576.