Keynote Session Invasive Arten

Gemeinsam mit unseren Gästen wollen wir das Thema Invasive Arten und deren Folgen für das Zusammenleben in und mit Gewässern diskutieren


Kathrin Theissinger

Kathrin Theissinger is a senior scientist in the field of animal conservation genomics at the LOEWE Centre for Translational Biodiversity Genomics at Senckenberg in Frankfurt and lecturer at the University of Koblenz-Landau in Landau. In her research she is investigating the evolution of interspecific interactions, biodiversity and ecological communities under anthropogenic influence by use of genomic methods. She is interested in studying the functional consequences of evolutionary changes at different biological levels, from cell to organism to ecosystems. She has been working with a wide variety of animal species, all of which are of high conservation concern, and is using molecular ecological methods to address questions regarding their protection, and coupled with stakeholder interactions to provide management solutions, particularly with regard to biodiversity conservation, population dynamics and invasive species management in a wide variety of freshwater species (turtles, amphibians, crayfish, and macrozoobenthos).

CV: After finishing her PhD at the University of Mainz on phylogeography of freshwater insects in 2011, she was leading the team "Conservation Genetics" at the University of Koblenz-Landau until 2020. She then started a researcher position as PI within the LOEWE Centre for Translational Biodiversity Genomics (TBG) at the Senckenberg research institute, where she focus to study evolutionary and ecological processes mediated by parasitism and host-parasite coevolution in aquatic ecosystems, as well as freshwater biodiversity resilience after wetland restoration. In 2022, she finalized her habilitation on “Conservation Genetics in Freshwater Ecosystems under Anthropogenic Influence” at the University of Koblenz-Landau.

Alexander Brinker

Alexander Brinker

Mathias Kuemmerlen

Mathias Kuemmerlen

Piet Spaak