The Lab
The Lab

Welcome to the Stable Isotope Laboratory

Located on the campus of the University of Konstanz, Egg/ Institute for Limnology, the Stable Isotope Laboratory and its analytical facilities offer analysis for stable isotopes of several elements, mainly C, N, and S, but including H and O in a variety of sample forms at natural abundance and tracer form. Most samples are efficiently analyzed by a dual inlet continuous flow Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (IRMS) for very high precision work. The following analyses are available:

- C, N, and S in solid samples, such as animal tissues, plant materials, soils, and dried extracts
- Compound specific isotope analysis using GC-C-IRMS
- H and O in solid organic samples (pyrolysis)

It provides services applying cutting edge technologies in stable isotope analysis for members of the Institute and the University. Our laboratory collaborates with researchers worldwide to develop new analytical methods and applications of stable isotopes in new areas of research. Due to time  constrains and large  number of sample loads, local, national, and international researchers, who wish to analyze samples and use our analytical systems are first advice to contact us. We do not offer routine weighing and encapsulation service. Please DO NOT ship unprepared samples to the lab without prior consent.