
Jacobs A, Carruthers M, Eckmann R, Yohannes E, Adams CA, Behrmann-Godel J, Elmer KR (2019)
Rapid niche expansion by selection on functional genomic variation after ecosystem recovery, Nature Ecology and Evolution 3:77-86. DOI: 10.1038/s41559-018-0742-9

Gergs R, Gemmer I, Koester M, Rothhaupt K-O, Behrmann-Godel J (2019) No evidence for a genetic impoverishment of the indigenous amphipod Gammarus roeselii (Gervais, 1835) due
to the invasion of Dikerogammarus villosus (Sowinsky, 1894) in Lake Constance, Hydrobiolgia 829:189-204.  DOI: 10.1007/s10750-018-3831-5

Behrmann-Godel J, Nolte AW (2018) Evolutiv junge europäische Höhlenfische, BIOspektrum 24: 130-133

Brinker A, Chucholl C, Behrmann-Godel J, Matzinger M, Basen T, Baer J (2018) River damming drives population fragmentation and habitat loss of teh threatened Danube streber (Zingel streber): implications for conservation. Aquatic Conservation 28:587-599. (doi.org/10.1002/aqc.2878)


Behrmann-Godel J, Nolte AW, Kreiselmaier J, Berka R, Freyhof J (2017) The first European cave fish. Current Biology, 27,R243-R258, April 3. (doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2017.02.048)

Yohannes E, Grimm C, Rothhaupt K-O, Behrmann-Godel J (2017) The effect of parasite infection on stable isotope turnover rates of δ15N, δ13C and δ34S in multiple tissues of Eurasian perch Perca fluviatilis. PLoS One DOI:10.101371 January3, 2017

Langeloh L, Behrmann-Godel J, Seppälä O (2017) Natural selection on immune defenses: a field experiment. Evolution 71-2: 227-237. doi: 10.1111/evo.13148.


Adrian-Kalchhauser I, Hirsch PE, Behrmann-Godel J, N´Guyen A, Watzlawczyk S, Gertzen S, Borcherding J, Burkhardt-Holm P- (2016).The invasive bighead goby Ponticola kessleri diplays large scale genetic similarities and small scale genetic differentiation in relation with shipping patterns. Molecular Ecology. May;25(9):1925-43. doi: 10.1111/mec.13595. Epub 2016 Apr 27.

Stepien CA, Behrmann-Godel J, Bernatchez L. (2015). Evolutionary Relationships, Population Genetics, and Ecological and Genomic Adaptations of Perch (Perca).in P. Coture and G. G. Pyle, editors. Biology of Perch. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, USA. 7-46

Behrmann-Godel J, Brinker A. (2015). Biology and ecology of perch parasites.in P. Coture and G. G. Pyle, editors. Biology of Perch. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, USA. 193-229

Behrmann-Godel J. (2015). Disease agents and parasites of carp. in C. Pietsch and P. Hirsch, editors. Biology and Ecology of Carp. Science Publishers, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group. 167-187

Björklund M, Aho T,Behrmann-Godel J. (2015) Isolation over 35 years in a heated biotest basin causes selection on MHC class IIß genes in the European perch (Perca fluviatilis L.). Ecology and Evolution Apr;5(7),1440-1455

Roch S, Behrmann-Godel J, Brinker A. (2015) Genetically distinct colour morphs of European perch Perca fluviatilis in Lake Constance differ in susceptibility to macroparasites. Journal of Fish Biology 86, 854-863

Behrmann-Godel J, Yohannes, E. (2015) Multiple isotope analyses of the pike tapeworm Triaenophorus ndulosus reveal peculiarities in consumer-diet discrimination patterns. Journal of Helminthology 89, 238-243


Behrmann-Godel J, Roch S, Brinker A (2014) Gill worm Ancyrocephalus percae (Ergens 1966) outbreak negatively impacts the Eurasian perch Perca fluviatilis stock of Lake Constance, Germany. Journal of Fish Diseases 37: 925-930

Hinz C, Namekawa R, Behrmann-Godel J, Oppelt C, Jaechke A, Müller A, Friedrich RW, Gerlach G. (2013) Olfactory imprinting is triggered by MHC peptide ligands. Scientific Reports 3:2800 (doi: 10.1038/srep02800)

Hirsch PE, Eckmann R, Oppelt C, Behrmann-Godel J. (2013) Phenotypic and genetic divergence within a single whitefish form- detecting the potential for future divergence. Evolutionary Applications 6(8): 1119-1132. (doi: 10.1111/eva.12087).

Behrmann-Godel J. (2013) Parasite identification, succession and infection pathways in perch fry (Perca fluviatilis): new insights through a combined morphological and genetic approach. Parasitology 140:509-520

Before 2013

Oppelt C, Behrmann-Godel J. (2012) Genotyping MHC class IIB in non-model species by reference strand-mediated conformation analysis (RSCA). Conservation Genetics Resources 4:841-844

Behrmann-Godel J, Brinker A. (2012) Neuer Parasit im Bodensee: Der Saugwurm Ancyrocephalus paradoxus parasitiert an Isthmus und Kiemen von Flussbarschen (Perca fluviatilis). Aquakultur und Fischereiinformationen Aus unserer Fischereiverwaltung (Auf Auf) 3, 3-7.

Rösch R, Oppelt C, Behrmann-Godel J, Spranz, L, Eckmann R. (2011) Rotflossige Barsche im BMK-Baggerloch in Langenargen entdeckt. Aquakultur und Fischereiinformationen Aus unserer Fischereiverwaltung (Auf Auf) 1, 13-15.

Gergs R, Rothhaupt K-O, Behrmann-Godel J. (2010) Characterisation of polymorphic microsatellite markers for the freshwater amphipod Gammarus pulex L. (Crustacea: Amphipoda). Molecular Ecology resources 10, 232-236

Michel C, Bernatchez L, Behrmann-Godel J. (2009). Diversity, evolution and characterization of MH II ß genes in the Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) - a non-model percid species. Molecular Immunology 46: 3399-3410

Behrmann-Godel J, Gerlach G (2008) First evidence for postzygotic reproductive isolation between two populations of Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) within Lake Constance. Frontiers in Zoology 5:3 (24 January 2008).

Behrmann-Godel J, Gerlach G, Eckmann R (2006). Kin and Population recognition in sympatric Lake Constance perch (Perca fluviatilis L.): can assortative shoaling drive population divergence?. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 59, 461-468

Behrmann-Godel J, Gerlach G, Eckmann R (2004). Postglacial colonization shows evidence for sympatric population splitting of Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) in Lake Constance. Molecular Ecology, 13, 491-497

Behrmann- Godel J (2004). Evolutionary mechanisms of population divergence in Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis L.). Doctoral thesis, University of Konstanz, pp 82. www.ub.uni-konstanz.de/kops/volltexte/2005/1673/

Behrmann-Godel J, Eckmann R (2003). A preliminary telemetry study of the migration of silver European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) in the River Mosel, Germany. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 12, 196-202

Behrmann-Godel J (2000). Telemetrische Untersuchung der herbstlichen Wanderung der Blankaale (Anguilla anguilla L.) in der Staustufe Trier, Abschlußbericht für die Aalschutzinitiative Rheinland/Pfalz / RWE Energie AG, pp 61

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Ruppert C, Godel J, Müller RT, Kroschewski R, Reinhard J, Bähler M (1995). Localisation of the rat myosin 1 molecules myr 1 and myr 2 and in vivo targeting of their tail domains. Journal of cell science, 108, 3775-3786