Current news

New paper on the Evolution of Sex

The evolutionary maintenance of sexual reproduction has long challenged biologists as the majority of species reproduce sexually despite inherent costs. In this study, we found that predator‐mediated fluctuating selection for competitive versus defended prey resulted in higher rates of genetic mixing in the prey.

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Dem Ursprung der Symbiose auf der Spur

Der Limnologe Lutz Becks von der Universität Konstanz erhält Förderung von der Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation für ein Forschungsprojekt, das neue Erkenntnisse dazu liefern wird, warum und auf welche Weise sich Individuen zweier Arten zu einer einzigen Lebensform entwickeln.

Tom Réveillon joined the lab.

Tom will work on indirect evolutionary facilitation and the role of trait diversity within populations for population dynamics.

New paper on eco-evo dynamics in Nature Ecology and Evolution.

New paper out on eco-evo dynamics in predator-prey systems and the role of abiotic stressors. We used experimental evolution, classical ecological theory for predator-prey dynamics and temporally resolved whole genome sequence information to test how low concentrations of antibiotics affect the ecology, evolution and the feedback between ecology and evolution. To see what we found, check out the paper in Nature Ecology and Evolution.